Weight: 9 lbs 3 oz.
Length: 21 1/2 inches
Madi is in the 10th percentile
and her head is in the 5th percentile. She has a little head :)
Madison is the happiest baby first thing in the morning. All smiles. She loves to hear her own voice, so she talks a lot. Just recently Madi has learned that Mom and Dad respond when she cries, and she cries if we don't hold her. (We are fixing that asap!)
Madison loves her swing, She loves her binkie, she loves laying on her tummy, She loves it when you help her stand, and she loves to have her little piggies kissed. She also loves it when Grandpa Phil sings to her.
She doesn't like being naked, or having her clothes changed. She doesn't like being put into her car seat She doesn't like to be swaddled when she is not ready to go to sleep, she doesn't like immunization shots, or grape flavored children's Tylenol.
She is even cute when she cries :)
I just can't get enough!