Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dallas Texas

Danny is officially an intern at PricewaterhouseCoopers from January till April. We packed up only what we could fit in our car and drove through snowy, ice-packed roads 14 of the 25 hour drive it took us to get here. This Texas sign was a welcomed sight by all three of us.

Someone told us that Texas isn't really "The Lone Star State" but it is actually "The Friendly State". And I believe it. The first night we were here we got stuck in a muddy patch of grass and couldn't get out. Not even 10 minutes later a real Texan pulled us out of the mud. When I thanked him he told us with a thick southern accent, "This is how we do it here in Texas!"

Our ward is so great and was so welcoming and nice. Only having met the people in the ward once, I would feel comfortable enough to call at least 5 of the families if we needed help. I love nice people. It makes us want to be one of them.
Danny works in downtown Dallas in the Trammel Crow Building (photo below). They gave him the coveted corner desk right by the window. I was terrified the first day to drive him to work, but the freeways weren't bad at all. It's amazing, here in Texas people actually let you in when you signal. Utah could learn a thing or two.
Trammel Crow Building

So far Texas is living up to it's reputation. We feel blessed to have such a great opportunity.


  1. my grandpa used to work in downtown dallas so i've seen that place before! it's a great place with tons and tons of shopping! hit up them malls girlfriend! miss you

  2. i am glad your liking it! i am so sad i didn't get to see you before you left, i must see you in april!

  3. Is the "Proud Home of Pres. George W. Bush" crossed out? Or is it just my computer? Also, I wish that you two would honestly think more seriously about being nice people. Would be a good idea. Please send Madi over to play.

  4. Oh I miss her so much! Keep sending pictures and videos I can't get enough. If she's already in a size two why are we introducing that yucky cereal? She needs grandma - I can tell.
