Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Emotional Roller Coaster

Last night as Danny and I were making a checklist of everything we needed for the coming of our new bundle of joy - I experienced what all the pregnancy books call the
"roller coaster of emotions"... I wasn't expecting this because my own mother has prepared me so well to one day take on the roll of "Mom". Nonetheless, when the iphone app suggested that newborns can go through up to 10 diapers a day I had a vision of having to change every single one of those diapers. Which led to another vision of me trying to change a diaper at 3 in the morning, which led to another vision of waking up at 12, 3 and 5 am every night for the next few months. As we continued down the list I realized that I have no idea what I'm supposed to need for this baby, when earlier I was thinking that we could have the baby today and be ready with only a car seat, stroller, bassinet and baby clothes.
As the list got longer I had to re-focus my emotions and direct my visions. We are so excited to have a baby. Half Brittney and half Danny. (hopefully my baby girl will resemble me though) We might have to settle into this whole "parent" thing, but I am happy that I get to have my own baby that I don't have to give back. I can't wait for the post-bath baby smell, the cooing and the kisses. I can't wait for Daddy Danny to teach his baby girl all his cool tricks, and for those first words to be "Mamma, I love you".
This morning, after a nice and long uninterrupted night of sleep I am thankful that I have four weeks left to spend with my favorite person in the whole world (Danny). Although, whenever Baby Welch wants to join our little family we will be happy to have her here with us.


  1. Don't worry so much. You'll both be great. And the waking up at night isn't as difficult as it seems.

  2. Oh I just can't wait!

  3. Love that you have started a blog :o) You guys will be awesome parents, it seems scary now but once the baby gets here it isn't as scary as it seems!
